As already mentioned in Chapter 2, both DAFF and the DoH require food processors,
including producers/exporters of processed fruits, vegetables and nuts, to be
compliant with the system known internationally as HACCP. It is also a minimum
food safety standard set by foreign markets.
The HACCP system calls for the operations of the processor to be analysed and
evaluated in order to identify key points at which controls should be imposed
to prevent or eliminate a food safety hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level.
These key points are known as Critical Control Points (CCPs). The seven principles
involved in HACCP are:

  1. Conduct a hazard analysis.
  2. Determine the Critical Control Points.
  3. Establish critical limits.
  4. Establish a system to monitor control of the Critical Control Points.
  5. Establish the corrective action to be taken when monitoring indicates that a
    particular Critical Control Point is not under control.
  6. Establish procedures for verification to confirm that the HACCP system is
    working effectively.
  7. Establish documentation concerning all procedures and records appropriate to
    these principles and their application.

On the basis of these principles the sequence to be followed to apply a HACCP
system is:

The diagram has been taken from Department of Health standards as set
out in Notice R.908 of 27 June 2003, available at > Health Topics >
Food Control > Legislation and click on “ACT”. The Notice contains full details of each
step and gives the following example of a “decision tree” to help identify critical control
It is essential that the design of a HACCP system is done under supervision or with
the assistance of specialists conversant with the system. It is also essential that key
personnel in the operation are trained in the HACCP system.
Once a HACCP system has been developed and compliance has been verified/
certified by an accepted inspection body (Perishable Products Export Control
Board – PPECB), regular audits are conducted, initially possibly every three to six
months and later annually (it depends upon the nature of the processing operation).
Regulatory authorities and buyers require up-to-date HACCP compliance certificates
to be produced. Exporters should, however, note Chapter 5, which has information
about the common standards required in major foreign markets.